
英语阅读与写作 (English Reading and Writing)
The purpose of this intensive summer course is to equip students with fundamental skills of reading and writing English for academic purposes. The course will adopt an overall theme of cross-cultural communication. Learning objectives include:
  • Reading for gist and depth 
  • Reading skills for writing: Underlining, annotating, notetaking, and outlining.
  • The writing process: Brainstorming, freewriting, drafting, revision, editing
  • Rhetorical forms in paragraph writing such as description, compare/contrast, presenting and interpreting graphic and statistical
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing
Learners will be encouraged to reflect on their learning process throughout the course to identify their individual accomplishments and goals.

Types of Teaching Approaches Weighting
Lecture 25%
Discussion and group activity 25%
Individual activity 30%
E-learning 10%
Others: Exploration & Reflection 10%

Article package available online
