你是否对广告的制作充满好奇?想了解从创意构想到完整广告活动的过程吗?欢迎加入我们的专题讲座,深入探索广告创作背后的沟通艺术!在这次演讲中,John Murn 将介绍如何从各种沟通形式将广告讯息的概念从想法转化为完整活动。广告是一个需要考量商业与创意的产业,这场引人入胜的会议将展示广告专业人士所面临的多种互动,包括演示、谈判、预算讨论、策略、创意脑力激荡等。
讲者:John Murn
在 VIS 实验高中担任大学顾问
拥有超过 15 年的行销与品牌策略经验
创办 All Hands Taiwan
时间:2024 年 10 月 30 日(三)12:30~14:00
地点:国际大楼 301 教室
Are you curious about how to make advertising? Are you interested in how a creative idea transforms into a complete advertising campaign? Join our session to explore the communication junctures in the making of advertising!
In this lecture, John Murn will present the varied forms of communication required to take a concept for an advertising message from idea to a fully realized campaign. Because advertising is a creative industry that requires both business and creative considerations, this engaging session will illustrate the many kinds of interactions that advertising professionals navigate, spanning presentations, negotiations, budget discussions, strategy, creative brainstorming, and more.
* ENGLISH WITH A PURPOSE! The session is designed as part of the course ‘English for the Cultural and Creative Industries’ (文创产业英文).Students can attend this event to gain a deeper insight into the ad-making process. Enroll next semester and stay tuned for more special sessions!
Lecturer: John Murn
Dual bachelor's degrees in English and Journalism from the University of Wisconsin
College advisor at VIS Experimental High School
Over 15 years of experience in marketing and brand strategy
Founder of All Hands Taiwan
Date and Time: October 30, 12:30~14:00
Place: International Building, Room 301
*Limited lunch Boxes are provided for the lecture.
English for Cultural and Creative Industries: Communication Junctures in the Making of Advertising