Nitiwat Watthanapas
Name Nitiwat Watthanapas
Job Title Lecturer
Research Expertise Thai - Curriculum and Instruction
Courses Taught Basic Thai Reading Thai Writing
Discipline Thai
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立師範學院 Curriculum and Instruction 博士 2007.09 ~ 2021.10
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 碩士 1999.09 ~ 2003.07
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 東方語文學系(韓文組) 學士 1994.09 ~ 1999.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Foreign Languages Center 助理教授 2024.02 ~ 2025.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Foreign Languages Center 講師級約聘教學人員 2018.02 ~ 2024.02